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Syria Turning into Battlefield for Iran-Israel Conflict

Musthafa Abd Rahman
· 1 menit baca

A picture taken early on January 21, 2019 shows Syrian air defence batteries responding to what the Syrian state media said were Israeli missiles targeting Damascus. - Israel struck what it said were Iranian targets in Syria today in response to rocket fire it blamed on Iran, sparking concerns of an escalation after a monitor reported 11 fighters killed. Israel openly claimed responsibility for the strikes against facilities it said belonged to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards\' Quds Force, continuing its recent practice of speaking more openly about such raids.

CAIRO, KOMPAS -- The night sky over Damascus, Syria, was set ablaze by an aerial battle involving Israeli missiles and a Syrian missile defense system from Sunday night to early Monday (20-21/1/2019). This was Israel’s biggest aerial assault against an Iranian military installation around Damascus since Syria accepted Russia’s S-300 advanced missile defense system in October.

Damascus has provided no report for casualties or damages in Israel’s assault. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), which uses a network of activists to monitor the Syrian conflict, reported 11 casualties. Russia, a close ally of Syria, reported that four Syrian soldiers died and six others were injured in the attack.
