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Corruption, Politicians, Prostitution

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Kompas/Heru Sri Kumoro

J. Kristiadi

Most of the news in the mainstream media and on social media in the past two to three weeks have been dominated by corruption, including the mass number of politicians and public officials arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), and online prostitution. Unfortunately, the reports have gone so far over the line that the victims have been subjected to trial by media.

The convergence of the three – corruption, politicians and prostitution – has occurred for thousands of years and many attempts have been made to mitigate it to prevent disrupting the balance of power. Politicians and prostitutes have been linked at least since Ancient Roman times, including politicians’ efforts to regulate the “oldest profession in the world” (Thomas A.J. McGinn, Prostitution, Sexuality, and the Law in Ancient Rome, Oxford University Press, 1998). It appears that state management is incredibly complex, especially in overcoming physical pleasures and the lust for power.
