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UtamaSynergy Needed to Reduce...

Synergy Needed to Reduce Disaster Risk

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Mount Anak Krakatau’s crater reappears on Sunday (13/01/2019) marking the latest stage in the evolution of this mountain following the eruption and partial collapse, which triggered a tsunami on Dec. 22, 2018.

CILEGON, KOMPAS — A change in perspective and approach to disaster mitigation is required to respond to the more frequent occurrence of disasters and the increased number of affected people. The synergy between government agencies, private companies, academics, and the general public is key to improving disaster mitigation efforts.

“We are living in a hazard zone where disasters can occur every day. We need to implement a variety of steps and join our strengths to use to prevent victims and reduce economic losses,” National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) head Doni Monardo said on Sunday (1/13/2019) in Cilegon, Banten.
