Awards Given to 12 Smart Cities
Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini receives the 2018 Indonesia Smart City Index award, which was handed over by Editor in Chief of Kompas Daily Ninuk Mardiana Pambudi at Kompas Gramedia Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (09/01/2019). The city of Surabaya won the highest score in the Metropolitan City category. The first rank in the Big City category was reached by the City of Denpasar, Medium City category by the City of Manado, and the Small City by Padangpanjang.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS β Kompas daily presented the 2018 Indonesian Smart City Index (IKCI) awards to 12 cities on Wednesday (9/1/2019). The awards were given to cities deemed to have successfully implemented smart city concepts based on the six-dimension weighted assessment developed by international smart city strategist Boyd Cohen.
The six dimensions, known as the Smart City Wheel, encompass smart environment, smart mobility, smart government, smart economy, smart people and smart living. Smart people, with indicators of internet connectivity, cellular phone penetration, public participation, level of education, immigration and prevalence of creative industries, weighed the heaviest in the IKCI 2018 assessment.