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Utamaβ€ΊNew and Renewable Energy

New and Renewable Energy

Siswono Yudo Husodo
Β· 1 menit baca

It is appropriate to highly appreciate the hard work of state electricity company PLN to meet electricity needs. In 2018 the company reached an electrification ratio of 98.05 percent. However, national energy policies in the electricity sector need to be evaluated for two reasons. First, Indonesia is bound by an international agreement to reduce carbon emissions so that global mean temperatures rise less than 2 degrees Celsius, compared to temperatures in the pre-industrial period. As President Joko Widodo signed the Paris Agreement in 2015 along with 196 other countries, Indonesia agreed to increase the use of new and renewable energy (EBT) by 23 percent by 2025.

New and renewable energy consists of two groups, namely power generation and energy sources consisting of hydro power, sunlight, wind, seawater, geothermal, biodiesel, ethanol and biomass (household and agriculture waste) that would replace fossils fuels.
