79,000 Potentially Fraudulent Health Insurance Claims Found
Low healthcare costs are believed to have caused alleged fraud in hospitals’ health insurance claims. Controlling the National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) program’s healthcare costs is critical to ensuring the program’s sustainability.
People complete administrative procedures for their Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) health insurance on Monday (12/11/2018) at Siloam Hospital in Semanggi, Jakarta. The National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) program enables people to obtain the same medical treatment as self-paying patients under a cross-subsidy scheme.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Low healthcare costs are believed to have caused alleged fraud in hospitals’ health insurance claims.
Controlling the National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) program’s healthcare costs is critical to ensuring the program’s sustainability. Stricter controls should be implemented to uncover potentially inaccurate health insurance claims.