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It is Time to Build Human Resources

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Provision of Supplementary Food for School Children -- Students of state elementary school SDN 03/05 Muara Angke, Penjaringan, Jakarta, receive supplementary food for school children in the form of UHT milk and mung bean porridge on Monday, April 2. The additional food distribution program run by the Jakarta provincial government is aimed at increasing nutrition intake and improving the physical resilience of school students.

Indonesia must work hard to improve the quality of its human resources, with its 2017 Human Capital Index score below the world average.

The 2017 Human Capital Index was announced by the World Bank on Thursday, Oct. 11, at the 2018 IMF-WB Annual Meetings in Bali, where the value of the Indonesian index was 0.53 while the world average was 0.57. Indonesiaโ€™s rating in the 2017 Human Capital Index has risen from the 2012 rating of 0.50 and is the highest among countries of the same income group. Moreover, Indonesia\'s Human Capital Index is lower than expected for the country\'s income level.
