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Rice Price Increases

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Central Statistics Agency (BPS) data shows that there was a deflation of 0.18 percent in urban areas and 0.59 percent in rural areas in September this year.Amid general deflation in September this year, in line with the price decrease of several food ingredients, rice price has gone up.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The Central Statistics Agency has recorded a slight increase of rice price in September this year. However, rice stock up to the end of the year is deemed to be higher than in last year.

Amid general deflation in September this year, in line with the price decrease of several food ingredients, rice price has gone up. This is despite the government’s effort of market intervention through rice distribution. The increasing rice price was triggered by increases in the price of dry harvested paddy (GKP) at farmers’ level and the price of medium-level rice at rice mills.
