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Political Parties’ Strategies to Attract Voters

There are only nine months remaining for political parties to attract voters in the 2024 election. There is not much time left.

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Representatives of political party leaders and KPU leaders at the Determination of Political Party Numbers Participating in the 2024 General Election in the courtyard of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (14/12/2022).

Representatives of political party leaders and KPU leaders at the Determination of Political Party Numbers Participating in the 2024 General Election in the courtyard of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (14/12/2022).

As many as 18 political parties participating in the election that have passed verification need to take strategic steps and also continue to evaluate their strategies in order to get brilliant results on the voting day that will take place soon, namely 14 February 2024.

The Kompas survey results conducted periodically every four months show popularity, acceptability and electability of political parties are very dynamic and the strategies taken by political parties are crucial. Regarding popularity, the old parties that have seats in the House of Representatives can quickly be pursued by parties that do not have seats in the House. Even new parties in a relatively short time have skyrocketed. Conversely, there are those that are stagnant, even declining.
