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EnglishThe Wave of ‘Mudik’ Return...

The Wave of ‘Mudik’ Return Traffic has not Ended

The policy has been adjusted because around 82 percent of the vehicles, approximately 808,000 units, have not yet returned to Jakarta and its surrounding areas from the east direction.

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Hundreds of cars line up to make payments at the Cikampek 2 Toll Gate, Karawang, West Java, Tuesday (25/4/2023). The peak of reverse flow is expected to be distributed over the next few days to 1 May 2023, with an increase occurring on 26-29 April 2023.

Hundreds of cars line up to make payments at the Cikampek 2 Toll Gate, Karawang, West Java, Tuesday (25/4/2023). The peak of reverse flow is expected to be distributed over the next few days to 1 May 2023, with an increase occurring on 26-29 April 2023.

The Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Transportation Ministry and the head of the National Police Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) have decided on several strategic matters. The regulation of cargo transportation traffic has been extended until Friday (28/4/2023) at 24:00.

The one-way system that was previously implemented until Wednesday (26/4/2023) has been extended until Friday (28/4/2023). The contraflow and odd-even systems are also applied. The policy is implemented from Kilometer (Km) 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate) to Km 72 (Cikampek toll section).
