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Solar Eclipse No Indication of Hijriah Calendar’s New Month

The sign of the beginning of the month in the Islamic Hijriah calendar is the appearance of the hilal (crescent moon). Meanwhile, a solar eclipse is the sign of the Moon’s entry into its new phase.

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A researcher and engineer from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) prepares equipment to be used for observing a total solar eclipse at the Earth Station Facility Building, Biak Numfor, Papua, Wednesday (19/4/2023).

A researcher and engineer from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) prepares equipment to be used for observing a total solar eclipse at the Earth Station Facility Building, Biak Numfor, Papua, Wednesday (19/4/2023).

A solar eclipse is the conjunction or alignment between the Sun, Moon and Earth that can be observed. Although this conjunction is the sign of the entry into a new phase of the moon, it is not automatically the sign of the arrival of a new month in the Islamic calendar. Of the many lunar calendar systems, the Islamic calendar is the only one that is of an astronomical nature or based on observation.

The ijtimak (conjunction) that signals the beginning the new month of Syawal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar, according to data from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), this year falls on Thursday, 20 April 2023, coinciding with 29 Ramadhan Hijriah 1444 at 11.12.25 western Indonesia time. This conjunction lasts for around four minutes before the peak of the hybrid solar eclipse on 20 April that takes place south of the waters of Timor Leste at 13.16.45 eastern Indonesia time.
