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Living in Limbo in Other Countries

Child survivors of trafficking abroad endure tragic circumstances since a young age. Dreams of supporting their families financially lure them into the grip of human traffickers. They lead an enslaved life.

Kompas Team
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EH (22) when met in Tangerang Regency, Banten, Saturday (7/1/2023). EH is a child trafficking survivor who was taken to Malaysia, Dubai, Turkey, Sudan, Syria and Iraq.

EH (22) when met in Tangerang Regency, Banten, Saturday (7/1/2023). EH is a child trafficking survivor who was taken to Malaysia, Dubai, Turkey, Sudan, Syria and Iraq.

EH, 22, is still infuriated every time she remembers her dark experience working overseas around June 2018. She was not even 18 at the time. However, her life was in limbo, trapped by a human-trafficking syndicate operating across Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Sudan, Syria and Iraq for months.

Kompas visited EH on Saturday (7/1/2023). She had not known the job offer would actually enslave her, making her a victim of trafficking from one country to the other. The woman from Benyawakan village, Tangerang regency, Banten, only wanted to free her family from the debt snare of a neighbor, who happened to be a migrant worker sponsorโ€™s agent.
