Golkar overtakes Democrats in electability
The Kompas R&D survey shows the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and the Gerindra Party still have the highest electability, while the Golkar Party overtook the Democrat Party for third place.
Golkar Party Deputy Chairperson Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Golkar Party Chairperson Airlangga Hartarto, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, and Golkar Party Secretary General Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus (from left to right) pose for a group photo during a meeting at the Golkar Party Office, Slipi, Jakarta, Wednesday (18/1/2023).
JAKARTA, KOMPAS — One year before the general election, the electability of the political parties remains dynamic. Expected to continue fluctuating, electability weighs partly on each party’s policies on presidential candidate nomination for next year’s election.
The Kompas Research and Development survey, conducted in January, shows the PDI-P persisted in the top position for electability at 22.9 percent, which was an increase by 1.8 percent from the October 2022 survey. Second place was still occupied by Gerindra, though the figure decreased by 1.9 percent to 14.3 percent.
Versi cetak artikel ini terbit di harian Kompas edisi di halaman 1 dengan judul "Elektabilitas Golkar Lampaui Demokrat".
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