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Three Countries Tapping Most from Spillover

Though is not clear yet when the war in Ukraine will end, there is a point of clarity about who are benefitting most from the geopolitical shifts impacted by the war. They are China, India and the United States.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to China's President Xi Jinping during the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) leaders' summit in Samarkand on September 16, 2022.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to China's President Xi Jinping during the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) leaders' summit in Samarkand on September 16, 2022.

Referring to Europe as the core of the Western security architecture, International Institute for Strategic Studies director general John Chipman says the Ukraine war had forced the US and its allies to reconsider their security policy priorities. Until December 2021, Washington and its allies had been focusing on the Indo-Pacific before Russia's attack on Ukraine prompted them to shift the focus.

The US’ shift in focus because of the war in Ukraine was China's first victory. "Inevitably, the end of the war will leave Russia and Europe weakened and worn down, while the two big winners from this situation will be the US and China," France-based FMES Research Institute chairman Pierre Razoux said.
