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Double Burden Borne by Children of Terror Convicts

Apart from dealing with psychological consequences, children of terror convicts also face economic problems. They also have to deal with stigma, which can hinder their return to society in the long term.

Kompas Team
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Residents of various religious backgrounds pray together by lighting candles during the Reflection on the Event of Faith on 13 May 2018 at the Santa Maria Tak Bercela Catholic Church, Surabaya, Monday (13/5/2019). Exactly a year ago the church was one of three churches targeted by terrorists.

Residents of various religious backgrounds pray together by lighting candles during the Reflection on the Event of Faith on 13 May 2018 at the Santa Maria Tak Bercela Catholic Church, Surabaya, Monday (13/5/2019). Exactly a year ago the church was one of three churches targeted by terrorists.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Children of terror convicts bear a double burden. They not only struggle to live without their parents, but some also face stigmatization, which can make it difficult for them in society.

On the one hand, the state has not optimized rehabilitation efforts. On the other, without adequate treatment, exposure to extreme ideologies and psychological trauma can lead them to becoming perpetrators of terrorism.
