Ahmad Khairudin, Arts for Tambakrejo’s Environmental Conservation
Ahmad Khairudin is convinced that art can save many things from the ruins of destruction and devastation.
At the end of 2022 Ahmad Khairudin, 37, gathered around 50 artists from several regions to make a moral appeal through various arts for the areas inundated by tidal floods in Kampung Tambakrejo, Tanjungmas subdistrict, North Semarang.
Ahmad, commonly called Adin, is a guest lecturer from the Social Anthropology Study Program in the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Diponegoro University (Undip), Semarang, between 2019 and 2022. On Wednesday afternoon (21/12/2022) he showed the map of Kampung Tambakrejo, where an art event titled Penta K Labs IV: Malih Dadi Segara-Pantura Lemahe Banjir (The Northern Sea Coast is Turning Into Sea from Flooding) was held on 17-21 December 2022.