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Cadre Grooming a Task for Political Parties

A political party should ideally strengthen its internal regeneration program to prepare qualified candidates for national leadership in the hope of meeting people’s aspirations.

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Representatives of political parties participating in the 2024 Election are ready to receive serial number placards obtained in the Lottery and Determination of Political Party Numbers Participating in the 2024 General Election in the courtyard of the General Election Commission (KPU) Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (14/12/2022).

Representatives of political parties participating in the 2024 Election are ready to receive serial number placards obtained in the Lottery and Determination of Political Party Numbers Participating in the 2024 General Election in the courtyard of the General Election Commission (KPU) Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (14/12/2022).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — The inclination for political parties to turn to potential figures other than their own cadres for presidential or vice-presidential candidacy shows that the parties in Indonesia have yet to optimize cadre recruitment and leadership development. A political party should ideally strengthen its internal regeneration program to prepare qualified candidates for national leadership in the hope of meeting people’s aspirations. That is what a political party as a political institution should pursue.

Political parties promoting others’ cadres in presidential elections has been a common practice, as shown in the buildup to the 2024 election. Among those political parties is the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). It has announced its support for Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, who is also a cadre of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), to run for the 2024 election as presidential candidate.
