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More Work in Deradicalization Begins

A terror attack on the Astanaanyar has shown that those convicted of terrorism can potentially commit an act of terror again. Overcoming this risk by means of deradicalization will be a collective effort.

Kompas Team
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Police officers stand guard within a 100 meter radius from the Astanaanyar Police Office, Bandung City, West Java, Wednesday (7/12/2022), after the suicide bomb explosion that occurred there..

Police officers stand guard within a 100 meter radius from the Astanaanyar Police Office, Bandung City, West Java, Wednesday (7/12/2022), after the suicide bomb explosion that occurred there..

BANDUNG, KOMPAS – The suicide-bomb attack at the Astanaanyar subprecinct Police (Polsek) in Bandung, West Java, on Wednesday (7/12/2022) showed that the deradicalization of terrorism convicts is no easy process. Agus Sujatno, a terrorism convict who was released in October 2021, was identified as the suicide bomber. Agus, who served his sentence at the Nusakambangan Penitentiary, was known to be having difficulty with the deradicalization process and is suspected to have been affiliated with the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) terrorist group.

The attack was carried out by Agus when several police officers were holding a rally in the courtyard of the Astaanyar Polsek at 8:20 a.m. Based on information gathered by the West Java Regional Police, Agus suddenly arrived at the scene on a motorcycle and approached a member of the police at the gathering. According to West Java regional Police chief Insp. Gen. Suntana, two policemen then tried to stop him, but Agus brandished a sharp weapon. Shortly thereafter, Suntana said, an explosion occurred.
