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Indonesia Fights against “Forced Exports”

Indonesia will not only face the challenge of “forced exports”, but also conditional exports from the European Union. The commodities are not only related to nickel and palm oil, but also cement, iron-steel and aluminum.

Hendriyo Widi
· 1 menit baca
President Joko Widodo delivered a briefing in the Kompas100 CEO of the Powered by East Ventures forum at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday (2/12/2022).

President Joko Widodo delivered a briefing in the Kompas100 CEO of the Powered by East Ventures forum at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday (2/12/2022).

Back in the VOC monopoly era under the Dutch administration, there was such a thing as forced labor and forced cultivation. In this modern era, the forced export appears again. We are forced to export our commodities against our will.

The statement was made by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in the 13th Kompas100 CEO Forum, which carried the theme "Making a Light in a Challenging Year", which was held at the State Palace, Central Jakarta, on Friday (2/12/2022). The statement was related to Indonesia's defeat in the lawsuit filed by the European Union against its nickel export ban at the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the World Trade Organization.
