Culinary Delights Mataram City in a Cup of Coffee
Like mushrooms in the rainy season, coffee shops in Mataram city are appearing everywhere. Enjoying a cup of coffee is now one way of getting better acquainted with the capital of West Nusa Tenggara province.

The Acibara Coffee barista team in the Jalan Jenderal Sudirman area, Rembiga, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, tested the quality of the tools they will use to mix coffee Thursday (20/10/2022).
Jalan Selaparang in the Cakranegara area, Mataram city, is never quiet. All day long, traffic and human movements keep going without ceasing, especially at the western end of the road, where Cakranegara Market, one of the largest traditional markets in Mataram, is located.
During market hours, the hubbub gets intense. On Saturday (22/10/2022), for instance, from morning, the sound of car and motorbike horns, the whistles of parking boys, the screams of workers loading and unloading goods, the bustle of traders and buyers entering and leaving the market can all be heard.
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