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Englishβ€ΊTalangsari Victims Demand...

Talangsari Victims Demand State Responsibility

The Team for the Settlement of Human Rights Violations is striving to resolve the Talangsari case in Lampung. Victims are hoping for a legal settlement of the case.

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 Chairman of the Association of Families of Talangsari Lampung Victims, Edi Arsadad (third from left) gives a statement to the media in Bandar Lampung, Tuesday (11/15/2022).

Chairman of the Association of Families of Talangsari Lampung Victims, Edi Arsadad (third from left) gives a statement to the media in Bandar Lampung, Tuesday (11/15/2022).

BANDAR LAMPUNG, KOMPAS β€” The Team for the Settlement of Human Rights Violations (PPHAM) is conducting a field inquiry in Lampung to unveil and settle the case of Talangsari, Way Jepara, East Lampung, with a non-judicial approach. Meanwhile, Talangsari victims persistently demand the responsibility of the state and the trial of security personnel involved in the shooting of residents from the group of Anwar Warsidi on 7 February 1989.

Chairman of the PPHAM Team, Makarim Wibisono, said the team was working on the basis of Presidential Decree No.17/2022 on the Team for the Non-Judicial Settlement of Serious Human Rights Violations of the Past. His team has been asked to submit a recommendation to President Joko β€œJokowi” Widodo concerning the rehabilitation of victims and their families as well as the prevention of serious rights violations in the country.
