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Debutants Set to Heat up Races

Several new faces will join the 2022 Borobudur Marathon Powered by Bank Jateng. Their participation is expected to lift up the competitiveness of the annual event , which carries the theme "Stronger to Victory" this year

Adrian Fajriansyah/Wilibrordus Mendika Wicaksono/Nino Citra Anugrahanto
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Hendro Yap, a runner for Elite Race Borobudur Marathon 2022 Powered by Bank Jateng, passes between the Rampak Buto dancers in the Borobudur Temple Area, Magelang, Central Java, Saturday (12/11/2022.

Hendro Yap, a runner for Elite Race Borobudur Marathon 2022 Powered by Bank Jateng, passes between the Rampak Buto dancers in the Borobudur Temple Area, Magelang, Central Java, Saturday (12/11/2022.

Early Friday (11/11/2022), a number of runners, who are going to compete in the Elite Race (42,195 kilometers) and Young Talent category (10K) of this weekend’s marathon, were preparing to practice by the Progo River, next to the Puri Asri Hotel, Magelang regency, Central Java.

After officials of the organizing committee had briefed them, they started to glide along the road, led by Elite Race’s 36 runners. Among them was Hendro Yap (32).
