Synergy to Preserve ‘Gula Jawa’ from Borobudur
The people of the Borobudur area in Magelang, Central Java, used to make gula Jawa. However, the number of sugar producers then dwindled. Now, there are efforts to revive the production of this coconut sugar in Borobudur
Tourists receive an explanation of the process of making brown sugar at the Coffee Gubuk, Karangrejo Village, Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Wednesday (19/10/2022). The Java sugar industry in the village continues to be maintained so that it becomes a superior product that has a tourist attraction.
The strains of Javanese gending (music) welcomed the arrival of a group of tourists at Gubuk Kopi Borobudur or the Borobudur Coffee Hut, Karangrejo village, Borobodur district, Magelang regency, Central Java, on Wednesday morning (19/10/2022). The morning air was cool as soon as they set foot in that place. When tourists stepped inside, they could smell the fragrance of coconut sap, which was boiled in a clay stove.