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EnglishBaduy on Instagram

Baduy on Instagram

What is the influence of Instagram on the cultural identity of the Baduy tribe? Different from other social media, Instagram displays more visual aspects.

AHMAD NAJIB BURHANI, Research Professor at the National Research Institute and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
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Women from various villages in Outer Baduy pound rice in a mortar or Rempugan Nutu, on Thursday (21/7/2022).

Women from various villages in Outer Baduy pound rice in a mortar or Rempugan Nutu, on Thursday (21/7/2022).

For those who live in Jakarta and its surroundings, Baduy people they know and often meet are people from Kanekes Village, Banten, who walk barefoot, dress in black or white, wear a telekung or lomar (headband), and carry brown knitted bags, selling honey, and so on. This Baduy traditional dress and appearance became famous when it was worn by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo while attending the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Annual Session in August 2021.

The image of the Baduy people who are often found on the streets becomes different once we enter the world of social media, especially Instagram. The Baduy nuance on Instagram still shows traditional elements, but this time it looks more graceful, beautiful, clean, elegant and exotic. To the contrary of the general stereotypical image held of a society that rejects or does not know modernity, they are very adaptable to digital technology. This can be seen on Instagram accounts @ayudewibaduy (29K followers), @dewi.baduy.507 (3K), @wisatasukubaduy (13K), @souvenirbaduy (12K), @batikbaduy (7K), @jejak_baduy (49K) and others.
