Taufiq Kamal, Motivator of a Digital Village
For Taufiq Kamal, there’s nothing he wants to achieve more than dedicating his life and being of benefit to a lot of people.
Government functions can be executed digitally. Matters are handled faster and more easily and control can be done by the public. Taufiq Kamal, the Kalurahan (village) Head of Pleret, Bantul, Yogyakarta, has proven this. Digital administration has proven to facilitate the life of village residents.
Since his installment as village head on 29 December 2020, Taufiq has gradually changed the government system in his village into an all-digital arrangement. The administration is managed in a controlled fashion under an integrated information technology (IT) system through the website pleret.id. This village administration can also be followed via the application Kalurahan Pleret, which can be downloaded from Google Play Store.