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President Calls for Heightened Curb Against Data Leakage

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has hosted a closed meeting to discuss data security against cyberattacks. Civil society has stepped up regular audits and implementation of data-security standards.

Kompas Team
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 A salesperson emerges from behind a list of new cellular phone SIM card numbers from various operators offered at one of the outlets in a cellular shopping center in the Cideng area, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Sunday (4/9/2022). Citizen data leaks have occurred again. This time the alleged leak of 1.3 billion cellular phone prepaid SIM card registration data was leaked and marketed in online data buying and selling forums.

A salesperson emerges from behind a list of new cellular phone SIM card numbers from various operators offered at one of the outlets in a cellular shopping center in the Cideng area, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Sunday (4/9/2022). Citizen data leaks have occurred again. This time the alleged leak of 1.3 billion cellular phone prepaid SIM card registration data was leaked and marketed in online data buying and selling forums.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS - Responding to the rife hacking of public personal data, including those of public figures and the Presidential Palace's correspondence records, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has instructed an in-depth scrutiny over the causes of the breach. The government has also designated a cross-institutions rapid-reaction team to anticipate future cyberattacks.

The meeting, which was held at the Merdeka Palace, Central Jakarta, on Monday (12/9/2022), was attended by Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Mahfud MD, Communication and Information Minister Johnny G. Plate, Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian, National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, State Intelligence Agency (BIN) head Budi Gunawan and National Cyber ​​and Encryption Agency (BSSN) head Lieu. Gen. (ret.) Hinsa Siburian.
