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EnglishPolice Suspect Premeditated...

Police Suspect Premeditated Murder

While investigators are now moving their investigation into uncovering the murder perpetrators, there has been no mention yet of suspects.

Kompas Team
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Keluarga memegang foto Brigadir Nofriansyah, Selasa (12/7/2022) di rumah duka di Muaro Jambi. Nofriansyah tewas di rumah Kepala Divisi Profesi dan Pengamanan Mabes Polri Inspektur Jenderal Ferdy Sambo di Jakarta, Jumat lalu. Keluarga mendesak pengusutan serius di balik peristiwa itu.

Keluarga memegang foto Brigadir Nofriansyah, Selasa (12/7/2022) di rumah duka di Muaro Jambi. Nofriansyah tewas di rumah Kepala Divisi Profesi dan Pengamanan Mabes Polri Inspektur Jenderal Ferdy Sambo di Jakarta, Jumat lalu. Keluarga mendesak pengusutan serius di balik peristiwa itu.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS - The day after President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo appealed for the case of police officer Brigadier J or Nofriansyah Josua Hutabarat’s death to be thoroughly investigated, police have now raised their investigation status to an examination into alleged premeditated murder following the finding of criminal evidences in the case.

The announcement of the latest status of the police’s investigation coincidentally came after Brigadier J's family’s lawyer team filed a report with the police about the alleged premeditated murder.
