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Englishβ€ΊSilent Welcome for Brigadier...

Silent Welcome for Brigadier J's body

There has been no special welcome and release for Brigadier J's body as is the tradition in honoring dead police officers or soldiers. The silence has invited questions.

Irma Tambunan/Kurnia Yunita Rahayu
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 A family member holds a photo of Brigadier Nofriansyah, Tuesday (12/7/2022) at a funeral home in Muaro Jambi.

A family member holds a photo of Brigadier Nofriansyah, Tuesday (12/7/2022) at a funeral home in Muaro Jambi.

A silent welcome was felt since the arrival of Brigadier J's body at the cargo section of Sultan Thaha Airport, Jambi, on Saturday (9/7/2022), at noon until his funeral in Sungai Bahar, Muaro Jambi. The body was brought from Jakarta using a plane belonging to the airline Batik Air.

The executive general manager of Sultan Thaha Airport, Siswanto Singodimedjo, said that normally, the bodies of police officers or soldiers are greeted by a special ceremony from the unit where they are assigned. However, the special reception did not occur at the arrival of the body of Brigadier J.
