Blind People in Manado Make Living on the Streets
Johanes, who was born in Amurang, South Minahasa, sells facial tissues every day from noon to late evening on the street in Manado. He makes around Rp 100,000 each day.
Of the 126 people with visual impairments recorded in Manado, more than half, or 69 people, make their living on the streets. Some sell facial tissues, peanuts, and chips. For them, leading a decent life is still a long way off.
A light drizzle fell in the North Sulawesi city of Manado almost all day. Johanes Disa (45), who is visually impaired, stood on the curb of Jl. Sam Ratulangi 12, offering merchandise arranged in a basket. "Tissues, tissues, three thousand, tissues," he called out amid the roar of passing vehicles.