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EnglishTwo New Faces of Yogyakarta’s ...

Two New Faces of Yogyakarta’s Malioboro Street

Each change has its pros and cons. However, over time, revamping Malioboro became a necessity to transform the area into a tourist attraction with international standards.

Regina Rukmorini/Nino Citra Anugrahanto
· 1 menit baca
Visitors are seen sitting and some other tourists walking along the sidewalks of Malioboro. The arrangement and relocation of street vendors, which was carried out last February, made the sidewalks look clean and tidy..

Visitors are seen sitting and some other tourists walking along the sidewalks of Malioboro. The arrangement and relocation of street vendors, which was carried out last February, made the sidewalks look clean and tidy..

Malioboro Street, the heart of the city of Yogyakarta, frequently revamps itself. It had been identical with crowds of street vendors for decades, but Malioboro now has a new face. The memorable street is now cleaner and better organized.

It had been 15 minutes, and Sugiharti (50) and her daughter were still standing next to the street sign reading "Jl. Malioboro", which stands on the eastern sidewalk of the famed tourist street in the city of Yogyakarta in the same-name province, on Tuesday (3/5/2022). While checking their cell phones, they waited for their turn to take pictures.
