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Englishβ€ΊGovernment Set to Contain FMD ...

Government Set to Contain FMD Infection Zone

Tightening the mobility of vehicles and people in and out of the outbreak zone was urgent and checkpoint surveillance over livestock and raw or processed agricultural products needed to be established immediately.

ADITYA PUTRA PERDANA, Ninuk Mardiana Pambudy
Β· 1 menit baca
Cattle belonging to farmers are prepared to take part in free medical treatment in Boyolangu Village, Banyuwangi, Tuesday (16/6/2020). The Banyuwangi Agriculture and Food Security Service held free medical treatment as an effort to prevent infectious diseases in brood cows.

Cattle belonging to farmers are prepared to take part in free medical treatment in Boyolangu Village, Banyuwangi, Tuesday (16/6/2020). The Banyuwangi Agriculture and Food Security Service held free medical treatment as an effort to prevent infectious diseases in brood cows.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS - The Agriculture Ministry has prepared emergency measures to deal with the emergence of foot and mouth disease (FMD) that has infected cattle in four districts in East Java. The ministry is going to declare the widespread disease as an outbreak based on the governor's letter and the recommendation of the veterinary authority, and implement closure of the outbreak zone at the village/district level.

East Java Livestock Agency head Indyah Aryani previously reported to East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa on Thursday (5/5/2022) regarding the discovered FMD infections in 1,247 cows in Gresik, Lamongan, Sidoarjo and Mojokerto provinces.
