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Queues for Pertalite Ubiquitous

Pertalite has suddenly become the choice of motorists following an increase in Pertamax prices by around Rp 3,500 per liter. State oil and gas company PT Pertamina has guaranteed a secure national stock of Pertalite.

Kompas Team
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Yabaniadama, truck driver fell asleep under his truck while waiting in line to get diesel at the Rest Area KM 754 gas station on the Surabaya-Gempol toll road, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, Tuesday (5/4/2022). Many truck drivers admit to having diesel problems in the last five days.

Yabaniadama, truck driver fell asleep under his truck while waiting in line to get diesel at the Rest Area KM 754 gas station on the Surabaya-Gempol toll road, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, Tuesday (5/4/2022). Many truck drivers admit to having diesel problems in the last five days.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — The Rp 3,500 per liter increase in Pertamax has prompted more motorists to switch to the cheaper brand of Pertalite. Lines of vehicles for Pertalite were seen at many filling stations in several areas. Some queued for biodiesel, which also highlighted the country’s palm oil-related problem.

Despite Pertamina’s guarantee that the stock of Pertalite is secure for the next 17 days, the recent surge in demand has caused concerns in many circles about an unavoidable scarcity of Pertalite.
