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EnglishThose Arrive and Those Worried...

Those Arrive and Those Worried About Being Marginalized

Jumiran was ready to watch the entourage of the President and governors and representatives from the 34 provinces.

Dionisius Reynaldo Triwibowo / Sucipto
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The screenshot of the video when the Governor of South Kalimantan Sahbirin Noor (right) handed over land and water to President Joko Widodo at the Zero Kilometer Point of the Indonesian Capital City in Sepaku District, North Panajam Paser, East Kalimantan, Monday (14/3/2022).

The screenshot of the video when the Governor of South Kalimantan Sahbirin Noor (right) handed over land and water to President Joko Widodo at the Zero Kilometer Point of the Indonesian Capital City in Sepaku District, North Panajam Paser, East Kalimantan, Monday (14/3/2022).

On Monday (14/3/2022), President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, a number of ministers as well as 34 governors or representatives from each province were present in Sepaku, North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, the nation’s future capital city. Each brought soil and water from their region. The governors of Kalimantan provinces camped with the President.

Jumiran (74) was wearing his best and only batik early in the morning. He wanted to see first-hand the ground zero of the State Capital City (IKN) Nusantara. Having lived in the Sepaku subdistrict since 1984, he had never entered the ground zero area, controlled more strictly after the industrial forest plantation company took control of the area.
