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Public Interest is More Dire

The Kompas Litbang survey conducted between 7 and 12 March 2022 showed that the majority of the public did not want the elections to be postponed.

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The General Elections Commission, Monday (14/2/2022), launched the election voting date, namely February 14, 2024.

The General Elections Commission, Monday (14/2/2022), launched the election voting date, namely February 14, 2024.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The results of a Kompas Research and Development (Litbang) survey published in March 2022 back arguments refuting the claims made by several political figures that the public approved postponing the 2024 general elections. Political party leaders and the government must return to their tasks in solving the country’s problems. Postponing the elections will do more harm than good to the country.

The Kompas Litbang survey conducted between 7 and 12 March 2022 showed that the majority of the public did not want the elections to be postponed. As much as 62.3 percent of the total 1,200 respondents were in favor of the general elections to held on 14 Feb. 2024 as agreed by the General Elections Commission (KPU), the House of Representatives and the government. This view among the public was relatively unbiased by their political preferences. Among the two groups of voters from the 2019 presidential election, the majority still wanted the elections to be held in 2024, namely 54.7 percent of respondents who had voted for Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s and 75.4 percent of Prabowo Subianto voters.
