Forget the Hustle and Bustle for a While
Forget for a while all the hustle and bustle so as to feel the beauty of peace and a harmonious life.
The celebration of Nyepi (Day of Silence) in 2022 takes place in an atmosphere of concern. Nyepi is marked as the world remains gripped by the Covid-19 pandemic and is stained by war.
In Indonesia, Nyepi is observed on Thursday (3/3/2022). As the pandemic has not yet been fully overcome, the country is bothered by various political matters regarding the timing of the general elections. Some politicians want the 2024 general elections to be put off. Others question the development of the Nusantara capital city, as related to the tug-of-war of pre-election interests. In several regions conflicts are occurring among residents also linked to the forthcoming elections.