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Englishโ€บThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (149)

Prabu Arjunasasrabahu knew it was not in his hands. What he knew was that even compassion could be fruitless. He also knew that compassion would lead him to nggoleki dalaning pati.

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Prabu Arjunasasrabahu remained silent and contemplated. He was astounded by Begawan Pulastyaโ€™s affection for his great grandson despite his disobedience. His affection went way beyond his great grandson's disobedience. How could he have such boundless affection? Was it because he had a great grandson as disobedient and wrathful as Rahwana? Had disobedience not been part of him, he would probably not have had that abundant compassion. The king of Maespati was evidently thrown into deep thought. As a powerful king, held in high esteem, respected for his majesty and wisdom, all this had kept him away from iniquity, disobedience and wrath. Anything evil and bad did not belong to him. No wonder, he thought, he had never sensed how evil and bad behavior demanded his extension of compassion.

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