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Englishβ€ΊThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (135)

Dewi Citrawati is also among the beautiful women. At first, the Princess of Magada just keeps silent. But in the end she is tempted too to join in the joy of the palace daughters.

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There the daughters of the palace are no longer ashamed to take off their clothes. They enjoy themselves in their nakedness. When they feel stiflingly hot, they climb out of the valley without difficulty. In an instant they have arrived at Bengawan Gangga lake. This lake is not deep at the edges. It is precisely there that the daughters of Maespati's palace bathe, having fun, without fear of being seen by people. Indeed, the soldiers guarding them are very far away from them. Indeed, the joyful and seductive voices of the women who are bathing by the lake are carried by the wind and reach the ears of the soldiers on the hillsides. These soldiers want to see up close, but the distance only allows them to imagine the nakedness of the beautiful daughters of Maespati.

She enjoys refreshment in her body again. She feels as if she was bathing in Sunyalaya lake, where Sumantri accompanied her nakedness.
