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Englishβ€ΊThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (124)

The sacredness of nature pervades the atmosphere that surrounds all things that live in Jatisrana. Surrounded by the sacredness of nature, Sukrosono feels so happy.

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It has been a long time since Sukrosono left Jatisrana, but the village is still as beautiful as it was when he lived there. Jatisrana seems beautiful because the village holds beautiful memories. This is where he came from and the place he found again after he lost time in his loneliness after he was thrown out. And it was here that he lived with his older brother, sharing warmth and love.

When he sets foot back in Jatisrana, it is the fifth month of mangsa labuh (the start of the rainy season). The dry season has passed, and rain begins to fall on the dry lands parched for water. Nature feels fresh, and the rivers flow fast. The paddy fields are green, the plants starting to sprout. Various flowers are in bloom, competing to show off their beauty, even on a hot day. Like a shy princess who has awoken late, the asoka flower gets dressed quickly, not wanting to lose to the asana flower that has revealed its early beauty. Blown by the wind, the clumps of campaka blooms wave, greeting the lotuses that have adorned themselves beautifully. The sky is beautiful with waves of patiently hovering clouds that welcome the birds in joyous flight. This is the time of feeling mulya kasucen, when nature reveals its sacredness. And this noble sacredness is none other than its willingness to give itself wholly. So this is when green spreads everywhere, water is abundant, the rice grows golden in the fields, and the trees give various fruits.
