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Englishβ€ΊThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (122)

Sumantri feels that something is really missing from his lap. He is left alone and asks, what is really the dagger? Is it the Cakrabaskara heirloom that he always carries on the path of his chivalry?

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Without Sukrosono, he is nothing. But why does he just dump him? Sukrosono has brought him his dream of becoming the chief knight. But why has he been ashamed to admit him as his little brother with the demon face since he has been on the path of chivalry? Can it be that the gentle, handsome and noble knight really doesn't want and is not willing to meet anyone who is as ugly as a demon? If so, he thinks, chivalry is all wrong, for it excludes love. He believes that chivalry is the reason why he does not want to accept his younger brother. Therefore, as Darmawati said, it might be better for him to return to Jatisrana, and live in peace with his younger brother there. He forces himself to recall his beautiful life in Jatisrana, when he and his younger brother were allowed to love each other.

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