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Englishβ€ΊThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (121)

Sumantri looks up and asks, The moon in the sky is always the same, but why does his memory of Darmawati make the moon seem different? He realizes that the moon appears to be different because of love.

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Sumantri remembers when Darmawati invited him to return to Jatisrana and live with her there. Her invitation made him feel at ease after he had experienced the futility of his path to chivalry. Or, if he still wanted the throne, the kingdom of Widarba was ready to accept him. Darmawati was right; it would be impossible for Prabu Arjunasasrabahu to refuse his demand to reign there, because he had provided many of his services to Maespati. And hasn’t the Widarba throne been vacant since Darmawati's older brother, Prabu Darmawasesa, departed?

A thorn has long been piercing his heart, because in the Maespati royal court, he has always hidden Sukrosono, the younger brother he loves so much. He admits the shame in his heart if it were to become known that he has a younger brother who is a demon. He is sure that there is no need for him to hide this at all from Darmawati. Because it is clear that Darmawati wants to accept him just the way he is. In any case, Darmawati is certain to love his younger brother, because Darmawati is herself the younger sister of a giant, Prabu Darmawasesa, the king of Magada. So whether in Jatisrana or in Widarba, he imagines that he will be happy living together with Darmawati.
