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The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (108)

The memory turns out to never come into reality again, disappears, flows like water he is now looking at at the Suranadi River.

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On the embankment of the Suranadi River, Sukrosono stops before he walks to search for Sriwedari Garden. He walks to the edge, then dips his feet into the river. The water is so fresh. The sky is clear, giving morning, which is reflecting in the clear splashes of water. Sukrosono's mind wanders, remembering Jatisrana, where he used to often play with his older brother, Sumantri, along the river. The memory turns out to never come into reality again, disappears, flows like water he is now looking at at the Suranadi River.

It has been a long time for Sukrosono to wait for the time, when he will never be separated from his older brother, Sumantri. But the days go on, and Sukrosono experiences, let alone never to be separated again, meeting again simply for a moment seems impossible. He promises himself that he will always be close to Sumantri, so that he can help him, whenever his brother needs him. He follows his brother wherever he is going, even though his brother doesnโ€™t know it. He will help his brother, whenever his brother is in trouble and danger. It had already happened, when his brother nearly died at the hands of Prabu Darmawasesa. He was the one who defeated Prabu Darmawasesa, when everyone thought his brother had succeeded in destroying the King of Widarba, so he had the right to bring Dewi Citrawati to Maespati. Now, his brother falls into a dead end because of his prideful promise that he could move Sriwedari Garden to Maespati. Now, too, he is trying to move Sriwedari Garden for his older brother, when his older brother is confused and can't do anything.

Nasrullah Nara