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Rekindling Memories of War

However, it was this cave that finally became a mass grave of Japanese troops. Around 3,000 out of 11,000 Japanese soldiers who died in Biak perished in agony inside the cave.

Kelvin Hianusa/Fabio Maria Lopes Costa
ยท 1 menit baca
Kompas/Bahana Patria Gupta

Yusuf Rumaropen

Painstakingly, Yusuf Rumaropen is gathering heritage objects of World War II he has discovered on Biak Island, Papua. Through the various things he puts on display in Binsari Cave, Yusuf seems to rekindle the memories of historic tragedy at the time and convey the message that war only ends in misery.

The frame of a worn-out aircraft lies in the yard of Binsari Cave, Samofa district, Biak Numfor regency, Papua. One of its three propeller blades is already bent. The chassis of the aircraftโ€™s head and body is gone, Only the chassis of its tail appears to be intact with the flag of Japan.

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