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Tragedy of Humanity in Serayu

However, the decision to dump the two victims, who might have been still alive, is an act beyond humanity.

Kompas Editor
· 1 menit baca

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Dudung Abdulrahman (center) performs a flower-laying ceremony at Salsabila's grave (14) with Salsabila's father, Jajang (right), Ciaro Village, Nagreg District, Bandung Regency, West Java, Monday (27/12/ 2021). Salsabila was a victim of a collision between three members of the Indonesian Army in Nagreg, December 8, 2021 ago.

The traffic accident in Nagrek, West Java, followed by dumping the victims’ bodies into the Serayu River in Central Java, is a tragedy of humanity.

Based on the National Police’s investigation, followed by that of the Indonesian Military (TNI) Headquarters, the perpetrators involved in the accident and dumping the two victims, Handi Harisaputra, 17, and Salsabila, 14, have been identified as Army personnel Colonel P, Lance Corporal A, and Corporal DA. The accident in Nagrek happened on Wednesday (8/12/2021).

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