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Englishβ€ΊThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (93)

Dewi Citrawati feels safe because Sumantri is nearby. However, it seems that she wants more than just to feel safe from Sumantri. She does not know why she tries to quash her feelings every time they flare up.

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In the midst of the endless admiration for the beauty of Dewi Citrawati, the ayak-ayakan music stops. It is then replaced with the tawang song that accompanies the Princess of Magada as she bids farewell to her beloved father.

She approaches the throne of Prabu Citragada and bows in respect. As she stands up again and embraces her younger brother Raden Citrasena, Sumantri smells her fragrance and looks closely at her. How charming the Princess of Magada is!

Syahnan Rangkuti