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Englishโ€บThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (87)

The king of Magada understands what is in his daughter's heart, not because he knows her daughter's heart, but because his daughter's reasons are increasingly justifying what she wants.

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As soon as they appear in the palaceโ€™s royal audience hall, everyone is fascinated to see the princess of Magada, especially the people of Maespati and Widarba who have never known her. It is the first time that Sumantri, as well as the kings under Maespati and Widarba, have seen who Dewi Citrawati is. They all stare in admiration at her beauty. Even Sumantri has time to steal glances and feels the princess of Magada's beauty is like a spell that captivates him. No wonder the kings envisage it with an imagination that arouses their romance. How beautiful it would be if a man could become the tendrils of the gadung plants that wrap around her waist. Her long black hair hangs down, giving rise to the desire to stroke her before seeing her naked. Looking at her breasts, which are like a pair of young ivory coconuts, thirst will flare up, like a thirst that suddenly appears when one can drink young coconut water. Her face is soft, powdered with pudak flower essence. Her beauty is always fresh, like kumuda flower stalks that emerge from the surface of the water for the first time. When she smiles, it seems as though her lips offer a seroja flower. No wonder there is a king who imagines chewing betel then speading it on her reddened lips.

Her movements are graceful, but radiate a power that can melt those who are mighty. Her stature is gentle but seductive, very peaceful when people are willing to surrender to her. It feels like the coolness of taking shelter under the branches of a mandira tree when the day is very hot. Her body holds various secrets of romance, which is why the kings are crazy about being able to reveal her. And how nice it will be, if they can accompany her in bed, before the kalangkyang birds that make love to the rain at night.

Syahnan Rangkuti