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Englishβ€ΊThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (84)

The moon is growing brighter as Sukrosono looks for Prabu Darmawasesa. Meanwhile, the moon demons have become a barrier that the Maespati and Widarba forces cannot penetrate.

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"No, if he finds out you are still alive, he will definitely kill you again. I don't want you to die, elder brother. Stay here, I will face him." It does not take too long for Sukrosono to depart, leaving Sumantri behind.

"Sukrosono, no, don't do that, younger brother...," is all that emerges from Sumantri's mouth. He is in doubt because he has no idea about the strength and advantages his younger brother possesses. All he knows is that his younger brother never wants to live alone again, without him by his side.

Nasrullah Nara