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English›The Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (81)

Sumantri himself wonders whether the ocean of blood is the compensation that has to be paid so that people can obtain the beauty of the Princess of Magada?

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The armies of Widarba and Jonggarba ripple like ocean waves over the battlefield. Meanwhile, Maespati's troops move lightly like the leaves of the lotus flower that are flying. Faced with strands of lotus flowers, it as if the ocean waves are caressed until they go quiet. That is how the padma-byuha strategy traps his opponent into drowning in the delusion of gentleness in the midst of the cruelty and violence of war. This short-lived delusion makes Widarba and Jonggarba's troops complacent. While they are complacent, there comes a bombardment of attacks from Maespati's troops.

In a stammering state, Bajobarang spits fire from his mouth. Before the fire spreads, an arrow from Kalinggapati has slashed his neck. The warlord of Jonggarba was killed, and a rumbling sound is heard when his body falls to the ground. Startled by the roar of destruction, Kalaranu throws his kunta weapon. The kunta weapon passes by Kalinggaprana’s sword. And at the time when the kunta weapon bounces, Kalinggaprana’s sword stops at his neck. Kalaranu is killed, his head rolling on the battlefield. Seeing that his two companions are killed, Amongmurka and Mamangmurka are getting very angry without wanting to leave their wrath any longer. They open their mouths simultaneously, and bursts of fire erupt instantly, licking the battlefield. Maespati’s troops fall.

Syahnan Rangkuti