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Englishβ€ΊHoning the Sense of the Signs ...

Honing the Sense of the Signs of the Times

The alarm can become the signs of the times to do yearend reflection to renew the determination of all components of the nation, especially the political elite, to be more sensitive to reading the signs of the times.

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J Kristiadi

The tradition of the year change is always celebrated in a happy atmosphere because the new year spreads an aura of hope for a better life in the future. Usually, expectations are accompanied by a resolution, a serious promise to oneself, about an important agenda for next year, in line with the estimated challenges that will be faced. In the perspective of the life of the nation and state, one of the important agendas in front of the eyes in 2022 is a stage leading to the 2024 General Elections; so that the festival of democracy will further strengthen the people as the holder of the highest sovereignty of the state.

The target is quite heavy. First, the 2024 General Elections will be held in the midst of the increasingly declining credibility of democracy. Many studies on this issue, especially those related to the pandemic storm, have caused the primordial barriers of society to become thicker. Second, regulations of the 2024 General Elections have received a lot of criticism from civil society because they have been drafted without intensively involving community components so that the regulations deviate from the basic thinking about the meaning of the simultaneous elections. Third, the widespread practice of money politics stems from the abuse of political power which drains the state's wealth. Corruption as an extraordinary crime has become a systemic part of the political process in Indonesia.

Syahnan Rangkuti