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Englishβ€ΊThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (78)

Candrakestu seems incapable of stopping himself from bringing his mace down on his opponent's head, and without doubt his opponent would soon die.

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Upon seeing his partner captured by the enemy, Sinduloba goes berserk. Calling for Darmapati's army to unite with his army, Sinduloba leaps from his elephant, swinging his mace to attack Suryakestu. But suddenly Candrakestu stands in front of him and blocks him. Armed with their maces they clash with each other, until Sinduloba staggers and falls. Candrakestu seems incapable of stopping himself from bringing his mace down on his opponent's head, and without doubt his opponent would soon die. However, he also holds Sumantri's message, even though he does not know what his commander's message means. He orders his soldiers to tie Sinduloba up and take him as a prisoner.

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