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EnglishMissing Flying with Garuda

Missing Flying with Garuda

Missing Flying with Garuda

Since mid-2021, the Sidoarjo resident has been going back and forth from Surabaya to Makassar. His office has assigned him to oversee a hospital construction project in the city.

By Runik Sri Astuti, Agnes Swetta Pandia and Nikson Sinaga
· 1 menit baca
Kompas/Bahana Patria Gupta

Health workers wait to perform rapid tests on Indonesian workers returning from Malaysia at the arrival hall of Juanda International Airport in Sidoarjo, East Java, on Wednesday (15/4/2020). One hundred and seventy-two Malaysia Airlines passengers and 78 Citilink passengers were tested. Passengers who tested negative were taken home by bus. The Citilink passengers have been quarantined for 14 days in Medan, North Sumatra.

Indra Raharja (40) was sitting in a departure lounge at Juanda Airport Surabaya, East Java, Monday (29/11/2021). While waiting for a flight to Hasanuddin Airport, South Sulawesi, he was busy with his smartphone.

Since mid-2021, the Sidoarjo resident has been going back and forth from Surabaya to Makassar. His office has assigned him to oversee a hospital construction project in the city.


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